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Chaos Chest

Chaos Chest

Category Lootbox
Tradeable This item has a variant that is tradeable.
Golden Key This lootbox can't be opened by Golden Keys.
Store Price Credits 50 (each)
Item ID
Model ID
Open for crafting materials, chaos cores, and rare collectibles.
The Featured rare collectibles change weekly.
— Item Tooltip

Chaos Chests are lootboxes that contain many items such as resources and collectibles. These chests can be obtained from lair and dungeon chests uncommonly, and can also be purchased through the Store for 50 Credits each (Bought either by itself, in a bundle of 11 with a bonus Chest, or in a bundle of 110 with a bonus 10 Chests and a Golden Chaos Chest). Chaos Chests can also be freely obtained through Chaos Factor daily. Players can get 1,500 Chaos Chests by loot collecting the Mega Chaos Chest.

The chests can be opened like any Lootbox, and they grant the player a random item. Contents range from crafting materials to consumables with a rare chance of various Mounts, Wings, Allies, Boats, and more. Several times these chaos chests will contain rare loot that is only found in certain Chaos Chest Rotations.

Each week the selection of items changes - if you get something one week, you may not get the same thing next week.

You will not be able to buy Chaos Chests or Golden Chaos Chests in the Public Test Server, seeing as this is a form of cheating and could be used to find out the current week's loot and also can be used for immense amounts of Mastery and/or Flux gain.

NOTE: Farming chaos chests through Lair/Dungeon Chests are coded differently than most item drops as a way of balancing the rate of obtaining chests between casual and intensive farming. Here is what happens:

  • When a chaos chest has been obtained via chest, the likelihood of the next chest decreases. Farming within the hour refresh time will have a decreased rate for every chest you obtain within that time frame.
  • Obtaining an additional chaos chest will take longer until an hour has passed which will then normalize the chances of obtaining another chest.


The contents of Chaos Chest changes often. If you would like to see the current top tier reward, you can find it on the Welcome Page.

Chaos ChestChaos Chest
Item Amount Rarity
FluxFlux 150-550
in 17.4 increments
Bleached BoneBleached Bone 7, 9, 11, 13
Radiant ShardRadiant Shard 35, 45, 55, 65
Golden SeashellGolden Seashell 11, 14, 17, 20
Meteorite FragmentMeteorite Fragment 1, 2, 3
Wild CupcakeWild Cupcake 7, 9, 11, 13
Sunlight BulbSunlight Bulb 35, 45, 55, 65
Blank ScrollBlank Scroll 1, 2, 3, 4
Sticky IchorSticky Ichor 11, 14, 17, 20
Enchanted WoodEnchanted Wood 14, 18, 22, 26
Robotic SalvageRobotic Salvage 7, 9, 11, 13
PlasmiumPlasmium 110
Mushroom ChunkMushroom Chunk 18, 23, 28, 33
Faerie DustFaerie Dust 7, 9, 11, 13
BottleBottle 7, 9, 11, 13
Shapestone OreShapestone Ore 70, 90, 110, 130
Formicite OreFormicite Ore 35, 45, 55, 65
Infinium OreInfinium Ore 11, 14, 17, 20
CinnabarCinnabar 11, 13
Golden SoulGolden Soul 1, 2
Somber SoulSomber Soul 1
DiamondDiamond 4, 5, 6, 7
Jade CloverJade Clover 5
FluxFlux 1500-5502
in 174 increments
Bleached BoneBleached Bone 50
Radiant ShardRadiant Shard 250
Golden SeashellGolden Seashell 75
Meteorite FragmentMeteorite Fragment 10
Wild CupcakeWild Cupcake 50
Sunlight BulbSunlight Bulb 250
Blank ScrollBlank Scroll 15
Sticky IchorSticky Ichor 75
Enchanted WoodEnchanted Wood 100
Robotic SalvageRobotic Salvage 50
Mushroom ChunkMushroom Chunk 125
Faerie DustFaerie Dust 50
BottleBottle 50
Shapestone OreShapestone Ore 500
Formicite OreFormicite Ore 250
Infinium OreInfinium Ore 75
Golden SoulGolden Soul 5
Somber SoulSomber Soul 5
DiamondDiamond 30
Pearl of WisdomPearl of Wisdom 1
Super Style StashSuper Style Stash 5
Chaos CoreChaos Core 1
Jade CloverJade Clover 10-30
Chaos ChestChaos Chest 5
Chaos ChestChaos Chest 50 Rare
Chaos Mega-CoreChaos Mega-Core 1
Fae BoughskimmerFae Boughskimmer 1
Runemaster's RecordRunemaster's Record 1
Cygnus-01 SpeedcycleCygnus-01 Speedcycle 1
Bonecutter X-2Bonecutter X-2 1
Tundra ThundererTundra Thunderer 1
Torched TaurusTorched Taurus 1
ShrimpyShrimpy 1
SqueakersSqueakers 1
Shadowy SarcophagusShadowy Sarcophagus 1
Kami of Forlorn ForestsKami of Forlorn Forests 1
Neon SwathcutterNeon Swathcutter 1
Shadow CrawlerShadow Crawler 1
Sir OcesomesaucealotSir Ocesomesaucealot 1
Trevor the TigerTrevor the Tiger 1
Ol' ChomperOl' Chomper 1
Saltwater Taffy RaySaltwater Taffy Ray 1
Dragon TigerDragon Tiger 1
Polar Dragon TigerPolar Dragon Tiger 1
Blacklight Neon CycleBlacklight Neon Cycle 1
Elder BootElder Boot 1
Magic CarpetapillarMagic Carpetapillar 1
CinnamelCinnamel 1
Bounding Golden BeetleBounding Golden Beetle 1
Springy Dark SporelingSpringy Dark Sporeling 1
Carom CupcakeCarom Cupcake 1
Crazy Busy CaterpillarCrazy Busy Caterpillar 1
Slightly Singed SkittererSlightly Singed Skitterer 1
Accursed ArachnidAccursed Arachnid 1
Whacky WaffleWhacky Waffle 1
Snowshore Seal PupSnowshore Seal Pup 1
Trance SphereTrance Sphere 1
Salt SowerSalt Sower 1
Rock Riot DockRock Riot Dock 1
Dumped DrumDumped Drum 1
Bitty Bayou BiterBitty Bayou Biter 1
Bon BombaBon Bomba 1
Floral FantasyFloral Fantasy 1
Cerulean Squad QuadCerulean Squad Quad 1
Lounging LoafdogLounging Loafdog 1
Blue Racing RobostriderBlue Racing Robostrider 1
Unveiled ChameleonUnveiled Chameleon 1
Huyldirjr, Singer for the SilentHuyldirjr, Singer for the Silent 1
Corrosion CloakCorrosion Cloak 1
Turbo DuckTurbo Duck 1
Floating Tutti-FruttsicleFloating Tutti-Fruttsicle 1
Thoughtless ThirstThoughtless Thirst 1
Trotting OtterTrotting Otter 1
Radiant PWN-ERadiant PWN-E 1
Nukti, Daughter of NanukniniNukti, Daughter of Nanuknini 1
Trundling Boom BundleTrundling Boom Bundle 1
Hyperstar HoverboardHyperstar Hoverboard 1
Sweet Seat of PowerSweet Seat of Power 1
Trolling TrawlerTrolling Trawler 1
ShockShock 1
Ulysses the UnicycleUlysses the Unicycle 1
Breeze-Borne Blossom WingsBreeze-Borne Blossom Wings 1
Leafy LevitatorsLeafy Levitators 1
Wings of WizardryWings of Wizardry 1
Windcatcher WebwingsWindcatcher Webwings 1
Bedecked IceboatBedecked Iceboat 1
Big Blue BrontoBig Blue Bronto 1
Purloined PowerseatPurloined Powerseat 1
Cataphract ConstructCataphract Construct 1
Fleeting HeartcycleFleeting Heartcycle 1
Siren SongSiren Song 1
Rodney the RollerbotRodney the Rollerbot 1
Sergeant SteelgillsSergeant Steelgills 1
SS CubeSS Cube 1
Jurassic JunkJurassic Junk 1
Eye of the OverlordsEye of the Overlords 1
Agarita of the Gloaming GroveAgarita of the Gloaming Grove 1
Antigrav ScooterAntigrav Scooter 1
Flamagnis the TorcherFlamagnis the Torcher 1
Charter ChopperCharter Chopper 1
Poppin' PetePoppin' Pete 1
Trovian Triple AceTrovian Triple Ace 1
No-Quarter BounderNo-Quarter Bounder 1
Bitty Dream BroBitty Dream Bro 1
Fluttering ChaosFluttering Chaos 1
Duckbill DasherDuckbill Dasher 1
ATMOS ZX-7 SuperbikeATMOS ZX-7 Superbike 1
White Hot WingsWhite Hot Wings 1
BankrollerBankroller 1
Dancing CobraDancing Cobra 1
Red Hot WingsRed Hot Wings 1
Shadow Pinata item small Shadow Pinata 8 Very Rare
Chaotic MimicChaotic Mimic 1
Winking TentaboxWinking Tentabox 1
Chaotic ClipperChaotic Clipper 1
Chaotic CruiserChaotic Cruiser 1
Whispers of ChaosWhispers of Chaos 1
Contorting ContemplatorContorting Contemplator 1
Koroki, the Sower of ChaosKoroki, the Sower of Chaos 1
Skeye StalkersSkeye Stalkers 1
Adventure Boxes This type of lootbox can be opened by Golden Keys.
Cookiephant Adventurer's ChestCookiephant Adventurer's Chest | Eggster Adventurer's ChestEggster Adventurer's Chest
Phoenix Adventurer's ChestPhoenix Adventurer's Chest | Budgie Buddy Adventurer's ChestBudgie Buddy Adventurer's Chest
Adventurer's Bento BoxAdventurer's Bento Box | Adventurer's Neon Dragon Kami BoxAdventurer's Neon Dragon Kami Box
Earthly Dragon Adventurer's ChestEarthly Dragon Adventurer's Chest | Panda Adventurer's ChestPanda Adventurer's Chest
Manta Ray Adventurer's ChestManta Ray Adventurer's Chest | Running Reptile Adventurer's ChestRunning Reptile Adventurer's Chest
Many-Legged Adventure BoxMany-Legged Adventure Box
Shadow's Eve Adventurer ChestShadow's Eve Adventurer Chest | Giant's Winter ChestGiant's Winter Chest This lootbox can't be open by Golden Keys
Skittering Heart BoxSkittering Heart Box
Mystery Boxes This type of lootbox can be opened by Golden Keys.
Nightmare Mystery BoxNightmare Mystery Box | Spookytime Mystery BoxSpookytime Mystery Box| Haunted Mystery BoxHaunted Mystery Box
Turkeytopia Mystery BoxTurkeytopia Mystery Box | Snowfest Mystery BoxSnowfest Mystery Box
Soultraps This type of lootbox can be opened by Golden Keys.
Qubesly SoultrapQubesly Soultrap | Cat SoultrapCat Soultrap | Buddy Bot SoultrapBuddy Bot Soultrap
Raptor SoultrapRaptor Soultrap | Butterfly SoultrapButterfly Soultrap
Realm Caches This lootbox can't be open by Golden Keys
Radiant CacheRadiant Cache | Shadow CacheShadow Cache
Dragon Caches This lootbox can't be open by Golden Keys
Azulian Dragon CacheAzulian Dragon Cache | Neon Dragon CacheNeon Dragon Cache | Ancient Dragon CacheAncient Dragon Cache
Moonwing Dragon CacheMoonwing Dragon Cache | Bone Dragon CacheBone Dragon Cache | File:Winter Dragon Cache.pngWinter Dragon Cache
File:Starlight Dragon Cache.pngStarlight Dragon Cache | Lesser Dragon CacheLesser Dragon Cache | Greater Dragon CacheGreater Dragon Cache
Treasure Troves This lootbox can't be open by Golden Keys
Wooden Treasure TroveWooden Treasure Trove | Bronze Treasure TroveBronze Treasure Trove | Trove of WondersTrove of Wonders
Gem Boxes This lootbox can't be open by Golden Keys
Gem BoxGem Box | Water Gem BoxWater Gem Box | Air Gem BoxAir Gem Box
Fire Gem BoxFire Gem Box | Empowered Gem BoxEmpowered Gem Box | Stellar Empowered Gem BoxStellar Empowered Gem Box
Gem Booster BoxGem Booster Box | Water Gem Dust BoxWater Gem Dust Box | Air Gem Dust BoxAir Gem Dust Box
Fire Gem Dust BoxFire Gem Dust Box
Chaos Chests This lootbox can't be open by Golden Keys
Chaos ChestChaos Chest | Golden Chaos ChestGolden Chaos Chest
Light Chaos VaultLight Chaos Vault | Dark Chaos VaultDark Chaos Vault
Other Chests This lootbox can't be open by Golden Keys
File:Classic Battle Box.pngClassic Battle Box | Leaderboard Reward ChestLeaderboard Reward Chest
Shadow's Eve Daily Loot ChestShadow's Eve Daily Loot Chest