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Dragon Crucible

Dragon Crucible

Category Crafting Station
Type Dragons
Placeable Hub, Cornerstone, Club World
Item ID
Model ID
Used to craft mighty draconic items.
— Item Tooltip

The Dragon Crucible is a unique crafting station found in the Hub. Located north east of the spawn point of the hub world, players will need to descend a staircase to access it. Here, players may use the bench to craft Purifying Dragon Flame, Dragon Souls, and hatch Dragon Eggs using different resources.

Despite it being unable to be crafted, Dragon Crucibles can be obtained through an item called Draconic Workbench, a pre-existing crafting bench that dates back to Alpha/Beta stages of the game. People who had previously crafted these old items with have it replaced to a Crucible whereas it can be placed in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. This is no longer craftable, however some players want to buy this to show their wealth with others.


NOTE: Unreleased content listed is taken before actual release. Values are subject to change.

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Dragon CrucibleDragon Crucible
Result Item (Quantity)
Purifying Dragon FlamePurifying Dragon Flame Primordial FlamePrimordial Flame (50)
Radiant ShardRadiant Shard (300)
Azulian Dragon SoulAzulian Dragon Soul Azulian Dragon EssenceAzulian Dragon Essence (4)
Golden SoulGolden Soul
Glacial ShardGlacial Shard (20)
Azulian Dragon SoulAzulian Dragon Soul Dragon CoinDragon Coin (10)
Golden SoulGolden Soul (2)
Glacial ShardGlacial Shard (40)
Neon Dragon SoulNeon Dragon Soul Dragon CoinDragon Coin (4)
Golden SoulGolden Soul
Robotic SalvageRobotic Salvage (5)
Ancient Dragon SoulAncient Dragon Soul Dragon CoinDragon Coin (4)
Golden SoulGolden Soul
Mushroom ChunkMushroom Chunk (25)
Moonwing Dragon SoulMoonwing Dragon Soul Dragon CoinDragon Coin (4)
Golden SoulGolden Soul
Faerie DustFaerie Dust (10)
Bone Dragon SoulBone Dragon Soul Dragon CoinDragon Coin (4)
Golden SoulGolden Soul
Bleached BoneBleached Bone (15)
Winter Dragon SoulWinter Dragon Soul Dragon CoinDragon Coin (4)
Golden SoulGolden Soul
Glacial ShardGlacial Shard (20)
Starlight Dragon SoulStarlight Dragon Soul Dragon CoinDragon Coin (4)
Golden SoulGolden Soul
DiamondDiamond (10)
Selene the Celestial StormSelene the Celestial Storm Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Primordial FlamePrimordial Flame (500)
Dormant Lunar New Year Dragon EggDormant Lunar New Year Dragon Egg
Yorinn, the Dusk ShadowYorinn, the Dusk Shadow Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Heart of DarknessHeart of Darkness (30)
Dormant Dusk Dragon EggDormant Dusk Dragon Egg
Erel, The IronboltErel, The Ironbolt Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Formicite OreFormicite Ore (2500)
Dormant Siege Dragon EggDormant Siege Dragon Egg
Erimatra, Scourge of the EverdarkErimatra, Scourge of the Everdark Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Shadow ShardShadow Shard (150)
Dormant Infineon Dragon EggDormant Infineon Dragon Egg
Crisopeia, the Crucible of SoulsCrisopeia, the Crucible of Souls Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Robotic SalvageRobotic Salvage (650)
Heart of DarknessHeart of Darkness (2)
Kami Dragon Egg FragmentKami Dragon Egg Fragment (100)
Panatea, the PartifierPanatea, the Partifier Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Dormant Pinata Dragon EggDormant Pinata Dragon Egg
Flakbeard, the RelentlessFlakbeard, the Relentless Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
GlimGlim (12,000)
Golden SeashellGolden Seashell (2,500)
Pirate Dragon Egg FragmentPirate Dragon Egg Fragment (50)
Ludini, Patron of PlayfulnessLudini, Patron of Playfulness Dragon CoinDragon Coin (200)
Primal RedPrimal Red (9,999)
Primal BluePrimal Blue (9,999)
Primal GreenPrimal Green (9,999)
Dormant Block Dragon EggDormant Block Dragon Egg (5)
Dracocolatl, the MellowerDracocolatl, the Mellower Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Wild CupcakeWild Cupcake (750)
Candorian Dragon Egg FragmentCandorian Dragon Egg Fragment (50)
Thallasion, Shaper of the CurrentsThallasion, Shaper of the Currents Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Ancient ScaleAncient Scale (20)
Enchanted ScaleEnchanted Scale (5)
Deep Sea Dragon Egg FragmentDeep Sea Dragon Egg Fragment (50)
Drak-O-LanternDrak-O-Lantern Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
PumpkinPumpkin (6)
Faerie DustFaerie Dust (750)
Drak-O-Lantern Dragon EggDrak-O-Lantern Dragon Egg
Inora, Flame of EnlightenmentInora, Flame of Enlightenment Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Radiant ShardRadiant Shard (2,000)
Dormant Wisdom Dragon EggDormant Wisdom Dragon Egg
Tysorion, Steward of New BeginningsTysorion, Steward of New Beginnings Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Primordial FlamePrimordial Flame (500)
Dormant Worldspring Dragon EggDormant Worldspring Dragon Egg
Tannenbomber, the Harbinger of TidingsTannenbomber, the Harbinger of Tidings Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (30,000)
ChestnutChestnut (500)
Radiant ShardRadiant Shard (1,500)
Dormant Joyous Dragon EggDormant Joyous Dragon Egg
Dormant Lorekeeper Dragon EggDormant Lorekeeper Dragon Egg Lorekeeper Dragon Egg FragmentLorekeeper Dragon Egg Fragment (5)
Aurym, Keeper of HistoriesAurym, Keeper of Histories Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (40,000)
Crystallized CloudCrystallized Cloud (2,000)
Blank ScrollBlank Scroll (120)
Dormant Lorekeeper Dragon EggDormant Lorekeeper Dragon Egg
Dormant Valiant Dragon EggDormant Valiant Dragon Egg Mushroom ChunkMushroom Chunk (5,000)
Shapestone OreShapestone Ore (60,000)
Steed FeedSteed Feed (5,000)
Tanbleddyn of the Western PeaksTanbleddyn of the Western Peaks Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Corgi TalismanCorgi Talisman (3)
Steed FeedSteed Feed (1,600)
Dormant Valiant Dragon EggDormant Valiant Dragon Egg
Dormant Lightning Dragon EggDormant Lightning Dragon Egg BottleBottle (3,000)
Plasmic SolutionPlasmic Solution (10,000)
Robotic SalvageRobotic Salvage (750)
Crystallized CloudCrystallized Cloud (75)
Fulguras, the LightningFulguras, the Lightning Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Shapestone OreShapestone Ore (8,000)
Meteorite FragmentMeteorite Fragment (150)
Dormant Lightning Dragon EggDormant Lightning Dragon Egg
Baesmuth, the Shaper's GiftBaesmuth, the Shaper's Gift Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Infinium OreInfinium Ore (1,400)
Iridescent Dragon Egg FragmentIridescent Dragon Egg Fragment (100)
Rachnaphon, the Silent SpectatorRachnaphon, the Silent Spectator Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Sticky IchorSticky Ichor (750)
Enchanted WoodEnchanted Wood (750)
Spinner Dragon Egg FragmentSpinner Dragon Egg Fragment (100)
Petallura, Nature's BeckoningPetallura, Nature's Beckoning Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Sunlight BulbSunlight Bulb (2,000)
Rich FertilizerRich Fertilizer (800)
Floral Dragon Egg FragmentFloral Dragon Egg Fragment (100)
Miraldis, the Primordial PreserverMiraldis, the Primordial Preserver Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Meteorite FragmentMeteorite Fragment (120)
Rich FertilizerRich Fertilizer (600)
Preserver Dragon Egg FragmentPreserver Dragon Egg Fragment (100)
Indurion, the UnwaveringIndurion, the Unwavering Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Heart of DarknessHeart of Darkness (4)
Somber SoulSomber Soul (65)
Voidwatcher Dragon Egg FragmentVoidwatcher Dragon Egg Fragment (50)
Wyntegra, Galenor's PrideWyntegra, Galenor's Pride Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Glacial ShardGlacial Shard (3,000)
DiamondDiamond (200)
Ice Dragon Egg FragmentIce Dragon Egg Fragment (100)
Olhukoi, the Moonlit MuseOlhukoi, the Moonlit Muse Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
GlimGlim (25,000)
Moonsilver Dragon Egg FragmentMoonsilver Dragon Egg Fragment (50)
Sarsaponia, the PristineSarsaponia, the Pristine Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Jumping JadefinJumping Jadefin (1,800)
Golden SeashellGolden Seashell (700)
Bubble Dragon Egg FragmentBubble Dragon Egg Fragment (100)
Blocktron, the Guardian Beyond the SkyBlocktron, the Guardian Beyond the Sky Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Primal YellowPrimal Yellow (9,999)
Primal OrangePrimal Orange (9,999)
Primal PurplePrimal Purple (9,999)
Blocktron Dragon Egg FragmentBlocktron Dragon Egg Fragment (5)
Almakhestia, Host of StarfireAlmakhestia, Host of Starfire Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Meteorite FragmentMeteorite Fragment (100)
Faerie DustFaerie Dust (300)
Somber SoulSomber Soul (30)
Starfire Dragon Egg FragmentStarfire Dragon Egg Fragment (100)
Carys, Seraph of the Golden ValeCarys, Seraph of the Golden Vale Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Crystallized CloudCrystallized Cloud (6,000)
Sunlight BulbSunlight Bulb (4,000)
Radiant ShardRadiant Shard (3,500)
Golden Vale Dragon Egg FragmentGolden Vale Dragon Egg Fragment (100)
Xendri, the Arc TempestXendri, the Arc Tempest Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Primordial FlamePrimordial Flame (675)
Meteorite FragmentMeteorite Fragment (115)
Golden SoulGolden Soul (45)
Tempest Dragon Egg FragmentTempest Dragon Egg Fragment (5)
Yzzuli of the HoneybreezeYzzuli of the Honeybreeze Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Faerie DustFaerie Dust (600)
Sunlight BulbSunlight Bulb (3,000)
Golden SoulGolden Soul (30)
Honeybreeze Dragon Egg FragmentHoneybreeze Dragon Egg Fragment (100)
Norari, the Wayward SpearNorari, the Wayward Spear Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Despoiled DivinityDespoiled Divinity (12)
Chaos CoreChaos Core (50)
Forged Stellar SoulForged Stellar Soul (30)
Dormant Lightspear Dragon EggDormant Lightspear Dragon Egg (1)
Dormant Lightspear Dragon EggDormant Lightspear Dragon Egg FluxFlux (10,000)
Lightspear Dragon Egg FragmentLightspear Dragon Egg Fragment (100)
Typhandir, the Sundered ShieldTyphandir, the Sundered Shield Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
Despoiled DivinityDespoiled Divinity (12)
Chaos CoreChaos Core (50)
Forged Stellar SoulForged Stellar Soul (30)
Dormant Darkshield Dragon EggDormant Darkshield Dragon Egg (1)
Dormant Darkshield Dragon EggDormant Darkshield Dragon Egg FluxFlux (10,000)
Darkshield Dragon Egg FragmentDarkshield Dragon Egg Fragment (100)
Jhorondir, Arms of the GoddessJhorondir, Arms of the Goddess Dormant Darkshield Dragon EggDormant Darkshield Dragon Egg (1)
Dormant Lightspear Dragon EggDormant Lightspear Dragon Egg (1)
Phyconidia, Sower of the SandseaPhyconidia, Sower of the Sandsea Dragon CoinDragon Coin (300)
FluxFlux (25,000)
VeridiumVeridium (3,000)
Nitro-GlitterineNitro-Glitterine (500)
Sandseasower Dragon Egg FragmentSandseasower Dragon Egg Fragment (100)
Rhom-10, Dissent’s RoarRhom-10, Dissent’s Roar Dragon CoinDragon Coin (400)
FluxFlux (50,000)
Memory MatrixMemory Matrix (10)
Logic LoopLogic Loop (5)
Sentience ShardSentience Shard (50)
Amperium Dragon Egg FragmentAmperium Dragon Egg Fragment (100)
Hoshizora, Luminary of HopeHoshizora, Luminary of Hope Dragon CoinDragon Coin (400)
FluxFlux (50,000)
Charged CircuitCharged Circuit (10)
Logic LoopLogic Loop (5)
Sentience ShardSentience Shard (50)
Resistor Dragon Egg FragmentResistor Dragon Egg Fragment (100)
Shaoran, Sage of the Eastern RangesShaoran, Sage of the Eastern Ranges FluxFlux (50,000)
Faerie DustFaerie Dust (250)
CinnabarCinnabar (300)
Shapestone OreShapestone Ore (5,000)
Sagely Blue DragonscaleSagely Blue Dragonscale (100)
Primordial Dragons
Result Item (Quantity)
Diamond Dragon EggDiamond Dragon Egg Diamond DragoniteDiamond Dragonite (400)
Palashien, Soul of the SeaPalashien, Soul of the Sea Dragon CoinDragon Coin (400)
Water Gem DustWater Gem Dust (4,000)
FluxFlux (100,000)
Diamond Dragon EggDiamond Dragon Egg
Scintilla, Spark of the SkyScintilla, Spark of the Sky Dragon CoinDragon Coin (400)
Air Gem DustAir Gem Dust (4,000)
FluxFlux (100,000)
Diamond Dragon EggDiamond Dragon Egg
Za'Hadeen, Heart of the FlameZa'Hadeen, Heart of the Flame Dragon CoinDragon Coin (400)
Fire Gem DustFire Gem Dust (4,000)
FluxFlux (100,000)
Diamond Dragon EggDiamond Dragon Egg

