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Magnificent Grimoire Stand
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Faces (or Masks) are an equipment type that are worn on the face of the player's character. They always have Maximum Health as their first stat, and like other equipment, they can have up to 3 others (for a total of 4 stats).

The style of a face does not change the stats, though the description sometimes implies it would.

Unless otherwise stated, all face styles are worth 1 mastery point.

Trove Creations is currently accepting face creations, guidelines for how to make one can be found at the Face/Mask Creation Guide.


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Item Description Obtained
Avian AvengerAvian Avenger Its wings cast a shadow where no evil can hide Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Bullseye BlinderBullseye Blinder Don't be a sitting duck - bob and weave! Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Burning BetrayerBurning Betrayer Trust not those spirits of wind and fire, lest they turn to ash your heart's desire Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Camo CountenanceCamo Countenance Observe the scene while remaining unseen Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Dauntless DemolitionistDauntless Demolitionist Star of many a summer blockbuster Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Deathly PallorDeathly Pallor Maybe you should catch some sun and eat a healthy meal Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Feline FacadeFeline Facade A cute cat's countenance that compels others to come close Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Flagrant FacsimileFlagrant Facsimile This face rings a bell, but you're not at liberty to disclose where you know it from Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Galaxy GarnetGalaxy Garnet All the rage with the kids ever since the animated series and toy line came out Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Gold GazersGold Gazers Keep your eyes on the prize Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Obstinate OphidianObstinate Ophidian It smells fear in the air and is irresistibly drawn to it Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Ripped WrapRipped Wrap One of rare occasions when damaged gear proves beneficial Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Shadowgale VeilShadowgale Veil Dark winds rise at night, stirring up shadows and restless spirits Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Silver SkygazerSilver Skygazer Turn your head to the skies, and watch the stars go by Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Stone Age RageStone Age Rage Nothing like a spot of primordial fury to face the hardships of life Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Towering TrollfaceTowering Trollface Its kind isn't known for nuanced humor Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
Apalled DollApalled Doll It is truly, truly, truly outraged by your behaviour Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Cold Stare, Burning GlareCold Stare, Burning Glare This mercurial mask is said to help temper one's emotional extremes Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Golden SkygazerGolden Skygazer Turn your head to the skies, and watch the clouds go by Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Hasty HeisterHasty Heister If you're going to be robbing people, you might as well wear a face that compels compliance Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Impassive IndictmentImpassive Indictment It follows the word of the law to the letter Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
K1-TTY Combat VisorK1-TTY Combat Visor Advanced facial protection with cute feline presentation Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Massive MasticatorMassive Masticator Its mandibles are unhindered by chitin or armor Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Merciless MaskMerciless Mask The scowl of one who has been unforgivably wronged Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Muzzled MaliceMuzzled Malice Darkness may be silenced, but that does nothing to displace it Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Night Queen's MasqueradeNight Queen's Masquerade Every sunset the gates of the Night Queen's palace open, elegant music welcoming all who would dare sojourn there overnight Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Ripe in the FaceRipe in the Face Vegetably, someone doth disapprove Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Siren's SerenitySiren's Serenity The becalmed countenance of a charming maritime muse Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Statistical StareStatistical Stare Should handily illustrate that all you care about are cold, hard numbers Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Vista ViewerVista Viewer Comes pre-loaded with an assortment of awe-inspiring panoramas Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Voiceless ScreamVoiceless Scream The face of abject terror, denied release Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Wind Wolf MenpoWind Wolf Menpo The mask of a notorious outlaw, renowned for his speed and ferocity Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
Baleful BlueBaleful Blue No one knows what lies behind it Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Basic Gas MaskBasic Gas Mask Protects from all manner of airborne attacks Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Beryl SigilBeryl Sigil A heroic emblem for elite explorers Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Dazed GazersDazed Gazers May make you feel a little loopy Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Divine DepictionDivine Depiction An abstract piece, portraying deity as concept Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Fine WineFine Wine And some Jack cheese Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Fried FeastFried Feast Get your brunch on and face the day sunny side up Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Furtive InfiltratorFurtive Infiltrator The face of a surreptitious stranger with an unknown, but likely nefarious, agenda Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Glowering GogglesGlowering Goggles Make you see red, literally and figuratively Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Healer's ConcealerHealer's Concealer Screens the face from scrutiny and pathogens Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Hyper 'PotamusHyper 'Potamus Those Pearls of Wisdom look mighty tasty right now Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Medical MaskMedical Mask Facial shielding for multitasking field medics Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Rodent RefocalsRodent Refocals Help you spot and avoid famished felines Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Suspicious StacheSuspicious Stache There's something about it, but you can't quite place your finger on it Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Wizened WhiskersWizened Whiskers This flowing facial hair denotes the wisdom and stature of age Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Wolf PrincessWolf Princess The perfect balance of beauty and beast Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
Assault BatteryAssault Battery Gets you all fired up to get going, and going, and going Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Bored LawmanBored Lawman It is unamused by your antics Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Crash DoctorCrash Doctor Favours helping those who smash their way through life Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Dimensional DivinerDimensional Diviner Wearing these reveals previously hidden facets of reality Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Face of FuryFace of Fury How do you de-escalate someone whose rage is endless? Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Gleeful GrimalkinGleeful Grimalkin A felicitous feline face if you ever saw one Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
File:Happy Puppy.pngHappy Puppy Just look at it, how can one face convey so much joy? Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Heart's HowlHeart's Howl Unleash your inner beast Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Jovial JesterJovial Jester Joke's on you! Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Madness MaskMadness Mask Looks like someone tried to stare down Q'bthulhu... and lost Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Magisterial MonocleMagisterial Monocle The whole truth is revealed when approached from many angles Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Mischievous MustelidMischievous Mustelid Provokes your playfulness and fosters your frolicsome nature Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Nightfall NihilistNightfall Nihilist The bane of those who stalk the shadows Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Persuasive PuppyPersuasive Puppy Who can say no to such cuteness? Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Raven ShadeRaven Shade Eyes that watch from the shadows bear no goodwill Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Riot RingleaderRiot Ringleader Every day is a circus when all you stand for is anarchy Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Scowling SkullScowling Skull It smoulders with the hatred of a hundred haunted souls Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Singleminded CyborgSingleminded Cyborg Stopping is not part of its programming Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Sudden ShockSudden Shock Scream and scream until you're blue in the face Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Sweetheart SpecsSweetheart Specs Incenses the most intense infatuations Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Ticking TerminusTicking Terminus Inexorably marching forward, crushing all before it Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Vacuous VisageVacuous Visage It takes everything in and lets nothing out Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Voracious BloomVoracious Bloom Bugs better beware of buzzing too close to it Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Worry WarthogWorry Warthog It is others that should be worried, not you Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
Anarchic AmbitionAnarchic Ambition The face when all you want is to see the world burn Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Asura'd DestructionAsura'd Destruction Eternally seeking conflict Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Bling BlinkersBling Blinkers These golden shades have swag in spades Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Bubby's BubbleblowerBubby's Bubbleblower Brings out the more exuberant facets of your personality Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Captive CountenanceCaptive Countenance You feel somehow... trapped... every time you wear it Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Glowing Green face small Glowing Green Monsters still won't just take you to the dungeon boss Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Heaven-Piercing GazeHeaven-Piercing Gaze The mark of an indomitable spirit that will not be kept down Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Leering LizardLeering Lizard Its stony gaze makes blood run cold Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Magnificent MasqueMagnificent Masque Even the spelling is swanky Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Marked ManMarked Man It's only a matter of time before someone paints a target, or worse, on your forehead Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Nox NegatorNox Negator Protects your mug from toxic smog Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Orbital OxygenatorOrbital Oxygenator Boldly go beyond atmospheric boundaries Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Psionis ShieldPsionis Shield Mental armor that protects your psyche from prying minds Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Raptor FaceRaptor Face Become part of the family Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Roiling RageRoiling Rage Seeing red begins with anger and ends with shed blood Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Sense EnhancerSense Enhancer A training tool of many martial masters Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Starbound StalkerStarbound Stalker The face of a prodigal predator always gambling its life hunting the most dangerous game Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Steely VisageSteely Visage Show no weakness, only cold steel Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Wicked Witch's WisageWicked Witch's Wisage Green, mean, and overkeen Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Zen TurionZen Turion A clear mind wins the battles that mighty arms cannot Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
Awakened AwarenessAwakened Awareness The mark of one attuned to the mysterious world of the unseen and its currents Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Coping OpticsCoping Optics Shades for folks who dole out the punishment with little regard for others' feelings Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Cosmic PrincessCosmic Princess Emblem of a beloved ruler and protector of the galaxy Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
CrybabyCrybaby Sadly, these tears do nothing to keep the monsters at bay Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Cycloptic VisorCycloptic Visor Always a blast to wear Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Fetter BinderFetter Binder Always on the lookout for the next payday Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Flux FurnaceFlux Furnace Its appetite forever burns, yearning for one more meal Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Frowny FelineFrowny Feline It is not amused by your antics. Now stop. Stop. Now. Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Gaze Most RadiantGaze Most Radiant A classic countenance with which to dazzle all around you Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Gemstone ShadesGemstone Shades Fashioned from a fusion of rare, magical gems, these specs are rumored to have many hidden powers Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Glyphed GuiseGlyphed Guise Rumored to be the gateway to a whole slew of worlds of high adventure Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Googly GazersGoogly Gazers Maybe these will get you noticed Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Mask of the FacelessMask of the Faceless Shields and subdues one's true nature Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Overawed ObserverOverawed Observer It must have been quite a sight to leave you drooling rainbows Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Red Rider's MaskRed Rider's Mask Every hero must don a mask to face life's hardships Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Serenity's SlumberSerenity's Slumber Slows down racing thoughts and eases restless souls Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Slim ShadesSlim Shades All the retro partying your body can handle Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Slime SmileSlime Smile Nothing slick or sleazy about this simple expression of joy Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Smoldering StubSmoldering Stub Reserved for when plans come together Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Star CommanderStar Commander Always ready to step in the ring and take on all comers Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Uberman VisorUberman Visor Protects your face from incoming punches, and your identity from prying eyes Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Wisps of WisdomWisps of Wisdom Lends you an air of ethereal gravitas Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
Beacon of BetrayalBeacon of Betrayal Not every light in the darkness is a safe haven Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Face of ChaosFace of Chaos Try not to stare at others too long, it makes them a little loopy Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Gaping GulfGaping Gulf In the Everdark, death lurks in every shadow Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Gaze of GrandeurGaze of Grandeur Part of a celestial crown of unparalleled splendor Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Ghastly GrinGhastly Grin Madness makes mirth of the misery of many Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Gildenghul's GuiseGildenghul's Guise The mask of an ancient warrior of peerless ferocity Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Glare of BalefireGlare of Balefire In ages past, an order of Dracolytes embraced dark powers to protect their lands from the Shadow Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Granite Giant's GazeGranite Giant's Gaze A giant's ire is slow to wake, but in its fire you will bake Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Guise of NightmareGuise of Nightmare The semblance of that which stalks your darkest dreams Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Haunting HalfskullHaunting Halfskull Enhances your superstition... Or does it? Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Knight Ops VisorKnight Ops Visor A great boon to those who fight the darkness Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Mark of MadnessMark of Madness Q'bthulhu's blessings can easily be construed as curses Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
No EscapeNo Escape Always trying to get out, always getting dragged back in Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Rigid ReckoningRigid Reckoning Mirrors the impassive face of the one who passes impartial judgement Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Sanguine SomenSanguine Somen Worn by one who raged with boundless bloodlust Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Scheming ScowlScheming Scowl This villainous visage is always up to no good Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Shadowed MoonShadowed Moon Believed to depict the Moon Goddess's shunning of the light Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Shroud of AnonymityShroud of Anonymity Poetic identity protection from petty injustice Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Veteran's VisageVeteran's Visage At what price victory? Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Shadow Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
Bloodbath VisorBloodbath Visor The armored mask of a master of armaments Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Bookworm BlindsBookworm Blinds A real page-turner, you won't be able to put it down! Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Creepy QuackerCreepy Quacker This mysterious avian mask has an ominous air about it Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Ferrous FaceguardFerrous Faceguard Drapes your face in a more antique style Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Generous GifterGenerous Gifter Always has a special something in store Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Heraldic HarlequinHeraldic Harlequin Wear your colors with pride Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Iron FaceplateIron Faceplate Reserves your softer side for those who are not your foes Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Meowing MugMeowing Mug Feel at one with your feline self Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Overgrown Bone MaskOvergrown Bone Mask A silent reminder that danger stalks the undergrowth Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Pretty Bitty BugPretty Bitty Bug This chitinous countenance is quite cute Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Psionic CynosurePsionic Cynosure Concentrates your mind into an incisive tool of justice Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Trader's TraitTrader's Trait People seem compelled to shove things in your face when you wear this Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Verdant VeneerVerdant Veneer Gritty greenery makes great facial finery Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Vicious ViceroyVicious Viceroy Shorn from the battle helm of a tyrannical regent deposed after much strife Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Volatile VisageVolatile Visage You really don't want to make this one angry Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Weepy KittyWeepy Kitty So many tears shed, like tufts of fur in the wind Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
Arcanium AssessorArcanium Assessor Measures mineral quality, and detects even trace amounts of Arcanium Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Bleached Bone MaskBleached Bone Mask A grim reminder that desert sands claim unwary souls Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Clockwork CaricatureClockwork Caricature An early prototype, it is incapable of conveying emotion Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Foppish FellowFoppish Fellow It's hard work, looking this good all the time Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Mechani-MaskMechani-Mask A clockwork-powered cover for your face Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Monomagical MonitorMonomagical Monitor This single-purpose scope scouts for sorcerous samples in your surroundings Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Multiplicitous MagnifiersMultiplicitous Magnifiers When properly aligned, these lenses allow vision of faraway locations and events Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Outlaw's MaskOutlaw's Mask Worn by folk heroes since the days of yore Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Retro RespiratorRetro Respirator Before this invention, noxious fumes claimed many lives in mines across the Frontier Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Savannah SpeederSavannah Speeder Fast cats catch all the rats Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Substantial SchnozzSubstantial Schnozz An oversized olfactory enhancer Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Sweet SucculentSweet Succulent This desert rose shows no thorns Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Victorian VisorVictorian Visor With built-in Realis-Tech sepia filter Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Vintage VisualizerVintage Visualizer Presents perfect analogue arrangements of past panoramas Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Weathered WrappingsWeathered Wrappings They have endured the passage of the eons Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Whacky WastelanderWhacky Wastelander Succinctly captures the essence of life on the edge Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
ArachnopeArachnope Not the face your friends want to see Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Cold SweatCold Sweat You have a really bad feeling about this... Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Cool LuneCool Lune Let a little lunar reverie into your heart Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Dark DreamsDark Dreams There is no nuance to this nightmare Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Farmland PhantomFarmland Phantom On occasion, the spirits of Shadows' Eve remain after the festivities are over Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Glint in the DarkGlint in the Dark Charged with tension and the threat of very bad things about to occur Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Grave GuardianGrave Guardian The worlds are littered with tombs: of serfs, of kings, of cities, and of entire civilizations Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Gruesome GrimaceGruesome Grimace It looks really life-like, except, you know, not Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Hollow TormentHollow Torment Houses a soul condemned to eternal darkness Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Lichen-Laced SkullmaskLichen-Laced Skullmask It appears to have been part of an ancient stone structure Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Lithic LeerLithic Leer Stone forever locked in a mocking semblance of life Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Mistreated MinionMistreated Minion The most loyal servant is the longest-suffering Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Morgue MuzzleMorgue Muzzle This puppy will procure its own bones Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Singleminded ShamblerSingleminded Shambler Only one thing on its mind... Yours. Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Squashy SourireSquashy Sourire Too toothy and overly orange Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Void SoulVoid Soul It feels so... empty Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
Arctic AmbusherArctic Ambusher Blend into the crowd, no one will know better Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Blizzard BeastBlizzard Beast Legends abound about a creature of the Permafrost, always accompanied by raging snowstorms Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Dusky HuskyDusky Husky Eyes the color of night, coat the color of twilight Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Frosty FoxFrosty Fox Despite the many dangers, the food chains of Permafrost have plenty of niches for smaller predators Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Frozen Bone MaskFrozen Bone Mask A stark reminder that cold is the unseen enemy Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Frozen FerocityFrozen Ferocity Eyes hard as cold steel, and a glacier's patience Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Frozen TearFrozen Tear The sorrow of one forever severed from their loved ones Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Fuzzy FriendFuzzy Friend It looks ruff, but it is a really good pup Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Glacial FacialGlacial Facial A stone-cold cold stone mask Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Glacial GhastGlacial Ghast Many believe the lost souls of Permafrost were once Frost Fae who perished during the Sundering Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Howling HoodHowling Hood Awakens the wearer to the power of the spirits of winter Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Polar PredatorPolar Predator Polar worms can and often do grow to tremendous sizes Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
File:Slope Streaker.pngSlope Streaker They help keep your eyes open while hurtling downhill at breakneck speeds Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Snow WoeSnow Woe Accursed this fate, to be undone by that radiant gaze Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Tundra TacticsTundra Tactics The Permafrost claims those foolish to venture in it unprepared Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Vermillion VikingVermillion Viking Tundra Trovians favor its face-warming properties and style Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
Anonymous AnimusAnonymous Animus The mask of a mysterious spirit with unknown intentions Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Bad BarkBad Bark Mess with it, and it will come back to bite you Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Big HootBig Hoot Always makes a splash at parties Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Cracked Bark VisageCracked Bark Visage The time-worn likeness of a timeless sylvan deity Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Dreaming DeathmaskDreaming Deathmask Death is naught, a short respite, to those who rule the dark and light Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Facial FlowerpatchFacial Flowerpatch A veritable bouquet of beauty, but a strategic trim might be in order to prevent eye sores Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Floret CoronetFloret Coronet A lovely wreath that imparts insight and wisdom Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
File:Green Sheen.pngGreen Sheen It has a certain comforting glow Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Leafy GreenLeafy Green It makes you want to dive right into all the food your eyes fall upon Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Papillon's PurviewPapillon's Purview A beautiful ballroom mask that augments your allure Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Soaring SpiritSoaring Spirit The winds guide you ever onward Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Sprightly SpiderSprightly Spider This tricksy arachnid is always pulling pranks on people Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Trickster TikiTrickster Tiki This ceremonial mask depicts a mysterious figure from fae lore Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Vine TiaraVine Tiara Despite its humble materials, its exquisite craftsmanship makes it worthy of a king Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Wooden WoeWooden Woe The face of a forlorn spirit of the forest Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Wooden WrathWooden Wrath Definitely the wrong tree to bark at Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
File:Dancing Dragon.pngDancing Dragon Both a festival event and a deadly martial arts technique Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Dragon Knight's FaceguardDragon Knight's Faceguard Keeps your countenance clear of scratches and scorch marks Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Flamegore's FuryFlamegore's Fury In the Sundering's aftermath, many would-be conquerors warred across the Dragonfire Peaks Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Flaming FirefaceFlaming Fireface Fiery Breath not included Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Heated HateHeated Hate The face of a demon that haunts fevered dreams Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Inflamed IreInflamed Ire It reflects fury that must be forcefully expressed Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Mantle Diver's MaskMantle Diver's Mask There's a whole new world down there, just waiting for someone to discover it Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Marauder's MawMarauder's Maw It seems to exacerbate your halitosis Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Maw of MaliceMaw of Malice The corruption of balefire is insidious and all-consuming Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Shadow AcolyteShadow Acolyte It is still unclear if the shadow cults arose before or after the fires fell Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Shattered HatredShattered Hatred Unbridled ire, bloodied but unbowed Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Neon City
Item Description Obtained
.zipped Interface.zipped Interface The best bearing to cache your countenance Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Chrome DroneChrome Drone A metal mite face with no allure and little grace Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Cold ComputationCold Computation Optimization of outcomes is reliant mainly on the criteria of the one performing the calculations Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Digital Reality InterfaceDigital Reality Interface Dig deep into the layers and seek out the truth Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Eye of the MetaforgeEye of the Metaforge Visualise the final form of your creation, then make it reality Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Floppy FaceFloppy Face It is write-protected, so you're stuck with a single, rigid face Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Game FaceGame Face Put it on and get ready to roll Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Hidden GazeHidden Gaze The veiled eye sees beyond the surface of reality Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Maniacal MechanicalManiacal Mechanical Computers are irrevocably led to conflict with illogical creatures Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Misleading MisanthropeMisleading Misanthrope Its cold robotic heart harbors little love for your kind Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Shades of NightShades of Night When the sun's light dies, shadows prowl the skies Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Shadow ScowlShadow Scowl Conceals your face, reveals your killer's gaze Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Smart ScreenSmart Screen It goes back to being an idiot box when you take it off Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Source ShadesSource Shades Reveals the seams in the fabric of reality Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Source SpectreSource Spectre The glowering visage of Neon City's most vicious vigilante Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Spirit SageSpirit Sage Find the wisdom without to tap the wisdom within Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
Candy CoronetCandy Coronet Relic of ancient Candorian royalty Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Candy CrazedCandy Crazed There is such a thing as too sweet Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Candy KissesCandy Kisses These sweet lips aren't simply for show, you know Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Cookie CountenanceCookie Countenance You'd better be a fast runner if you plan to wear it Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Cool Cream CatCool Cream Cat Wearing it fills you with the maddening urge to lick yourself Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Cream UniconeCream Unicone Not its intended function, but it somehow works Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Creamy CarriageCreamy Carriage Smooth and rich and goes great with milk! Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Licorice LookersLicorice Lookers Their gaze is almost as intense as their flavor Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Pinkiephant FacePinkiephant Face So cute you just want to bite it Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Sprayed-On 'StacheSprayed-On 'Stache Part of an elaborate prank played on unsuspecting partners Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Sucra SpecsSucra Specs Life looks so much sweeter seen through these Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Sugar Skull Face small Sugar Skull Monsters find it inexplicably irresistible Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Sundae StacheSundae Stache A highly attractive facial hair arrangement Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Sweet SmileSweet Smile Makes your face irresistibly attractive Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Toasty TartToasty Tart Its scrumptious sugary scent is both cozy and crazy Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
Ancient FaceplateAncient Faceplate It appears to have originally been part of an ornate helm Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Cerulean StareCerulean Stare The guardians of the Sky Realm are unflinching in the pursuit of their duty Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Diaphanous DrapeDiaphanous Drape Adds an air of mystery and sophistication to any conversation Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Divine DivergenceDivine Divergence The schism between the Goddesses was long in the making, but its consequences were swift Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Golden GoshawkGolden Goshawk Before the Sundering, Cygnus's legions of servants kept tabs on events in the Prime Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Radiant RaptorRadiant Raptor Before the Sundering, bird flocks thousands strong traversed the Sky Realms Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Solar SoldierSolar Soldier It appears to be have been part of a military helm of some description Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Stormfront VisorStormfront Visor Front line troops of the Sky Realm adorned their helms with this faceplate Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Sun ScarabSun Scarab In service to the Sun Goddess, even the meekest of creatures are bathed in radiance Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Suntear TiaraSuntear Tiara Said to have been shed by the Sun Goddess herself. Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Witness of the DesolationWitness of the Desolation Having survived the Sundering, they tirelessly continue their patrols Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Treasure Isles
Item Description Obtained
Blue BreatherBlue Breather This azure apparatus allows respiration in aquatic mediums Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Clingy EchinodermClingy Echinoderm All it wants is a hug. Is that really too much to ask? Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Durable DeepdiverDurable Deepdiver This old-school diving helm is built to withstand high pressures and attacks by denizens of the deeps Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Fishy FiendFishy Fiend The urge to let out blood-curdling screams is almost irresistible Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Immersion EyewearImmersion Eyewear For adventurers who are just getting their feet wet Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Mariner's MonocleMariner's Monocle Classier corsairs prefer patches that afford them an air of affluence Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
N.E.W.T. MaskN.E.W.T. Mask Nano Exhaled Waste Treatment masks were crucial in early benthic colonies Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Paired EyepatchesPaired Eyepatches A matching set of eyepatches for those who think seeing is overrated Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Restless RoilRestless Roil Stomachs and seas often disagree Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Retrofitted RebreatherRetrofitted Rebreather It has a few custom parts meant to enhance its performance Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Sea Dog's StacheSea Dog's Stache A commanding stache for a master of the sea Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Stonejaw MacawStonejaw Macaw It can take a punch without flinching Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Waxed WhiskersWaxed Whiskers A little preening keeps things tidy even in the roughest seas Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Jurassic Jungle
Item Description Obtained
Amphibian AmbusherAmphibian Ambusher Many who venture into Trog-infested marshes are never heard from again Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Ape Trog BossApe Trog Boss No one has seen a live female trog of any species, raising questions as to how they reproduce Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Avian AdversaryAvian Adversary Avian Trogs inhabit the jungle canopy, rarely venturing to the lands below Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Avian Trog BossAvian Trog Boss Four main species of Trog are known, each appearing to have evolved from a distinct class of fauna Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Beaky BuddyBeaky Buddy Some saurians are easier to domesticate than others Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Forest ForagerForest Forager Ape Trogs still inhabit forests, but appear to no longer climb trees Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Frog Trog BossFrog Trog Boss The process by which dominant trogs become distinct from their lessers is poorly understood Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Saurian Trog BossSaurian Trog Boss Trog society appears to center around one or more dominant males, visually distinct from their peers Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Subservient SaurianSubservient Saurian Saurian Trogs appear to have evolved from a single species of dinosaur Unlocked through loot collecting the matching adventure style
Randomly unlocked through Style Surprises/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
All-Seer's GazeAll-Seer's Gaze The Sleepless Watchers ceaselessly sift through the Datastream seeking secrets Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Allergy EyesAllergy Eyes There's something in the air, and these eyes can't handle it Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Animated ExpressionAnimated Expression These peepers speak volumes with but a glance Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Argent FaceplateArgent Faceplate Fabled facial protection for princely fighters Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Astro MasterAstro Master Trademark of a spacefaring hero of humble origins Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
B.A. BotticusB.A. Botticus Its cold metal exterior hides a heart of gold Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Balanced SkyBalanced Sky Fine Facewear, suitable for any time of the day Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Beau TieBeau Tie A charming accessory for gallant gentlemen Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Bliss BubbleBliss Bubble Enjoy it while it lasts Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Blood Lord's VisorBlood Lord's Visor Some warriors endure and persevere, and some go off the deep end Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Blue ButterflyBlue Butterfly Call forth that which lies within Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Blue-hued ViewersBlue-hued Viewers Watch the world burn blue Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Cat CountenanceCat Countenance Perfect for twilight prowling and caterwauling Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Cheery DiggerCheery Digger Even in the dark, keep a smile on your face Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Chrome FaceplateChrome Faceplate Doesn't it feel a little odd, to be wearing a robot's face? Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Chummy ChimpChummy Chimp It looks friendly, but don't smile or laugh at it Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Comedic CountenanceComedic Countenance You'll have to grow out your eyebrows to get full use of it Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Dark TriclopsDark Triclops Its three-eyed gaze is unnerving, to say the least Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Dated DisplayDated Display The face of technology before the singularity unearthed the Data Stream Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Deathly PaleDeathly Pale Not the healthiest of looks Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Defunct Droid FaceplateDefunct Droid Faceplate The lights are out and the fuse is blown Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Demotivational SpeakerDemotivational Speaker Why bother? What's the point? Does it even matter? Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Desperado's BandanaDesperado's Bandana 'Nothing to lose' does not mean 'nothing to hide' Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Diamond DiademDiamond Diadem A crystalline circlet favored by Frost Fae nobility Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Dispassionate DroidDispassionate Droid Displays the full spectrum of robot emotion Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Dramatic MaskDramatic Mask This gloomy mask makes you want to sing Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Dystopia DisplayDystopia Display Present your allegiance to the Robot Overlords Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Ele-PhantasyEle-Phantasy Magically enhances memory Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Electr-OniElectr-Oni Supposedly depicts one of a race of 'Daemons' from the Neon City Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Enigmatic EyepatchEnigmatic Eyepatch Adds an air of mystique to any adventurer Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Face EmbracerFace Embracer It can be hug times now? Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Farce FaceFarce Face Quite the pie-magnet, this one Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Feline GazeFeline Gaze These keen greens see what is to be Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Fuchsia 'StacheFuchsia 'Stache Hopefully you don't mind all the attention it gets you Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Gallant GoldroidGallant Goldroid Many shining heroes rose in the darkest days of the Neon City Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Gaufre GrinGaufre Grin This crispy countenance is unexpectedly succinct and to the point Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Gilded GanderGilded Gander Wearing it won't keep the monsters from attacking you Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Golden GriefGolden Grief The countenance of one who grasped too much and held too little Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Greenblood GrinGreenblood Grin A full set of ivory whites Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Grubby GreenskinGrubby Greenskin Overly zealous about shinies and snacks Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Happy HarmonicsHappy Harmonics A witty ditty makes the world less gritty Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Hidey HoodHidey Hood Keeps your countenance covered during covert operations Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Hunky HandlebarHunky Handlebar The manliest of mustachios Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Inkling of DoubtInkling of Doubt Instills fear in your foes to give you an edge in battle Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Jay-Khu's EnigmaJay-Khu's Enigma The name itself is both riddle and answer Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Jig's UpJig's Up For when it is time to face the music Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Kingly ShadesKingly Shades It takes a certain gravitas to wear them correctly Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
LaGrasta's LegacyLaGrasta's Legacy Scotty, we hardly knew ye... Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Lawman's Long FaceLawman's Long Face It is very disappointed with you Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Le ForgeLe Forge Visualize all the data Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Legendary LizardLegendary Lizard Ancient forces of nature are best left undisturbed Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Look of LoveLook of Love It's on your face and in your eyes Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Lucky Lucha MaskLucky Lucha Mask Every warrior must find their own way and purpose Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Maniac MurderfaceManiac Murderface Not a face you want to see in dark alleys Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Master HopperMaster Hopper This cybernetic mask imparts great power, and demands great wisdom Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Mega Massive MawMega Massive Maw A side effect of wearing it is a constant, gnawing hunger Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Minora's MaskMinora's Mask Infused with the spirit of a notorious prankster Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Monitor ModMonitor Mod It being reversible doesn't make it any less life-changing Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Monkey Monarch's MienMonkey Monarch's Mien It always has a mischievous glint in its eye Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Motley MonarchMotley Monarch The king of fools is the biggest fool of all Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Mousy MaskMousy Mask Never in mother's house Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Mouthy MercMouthy Merc Just some wise guy wisecracking while cracking skulls Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Murky MuzzleMurky Muzzle Hide your face and fangs from the lunatic moon Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Neon Stalker's MaskNeon Stalker's Mask The shadows of Neon City's eternal twilight hide many dangers Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Omni OpticsOmni Optics Half of the settings on it are incomprehensible Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Overly Attached ArachnidOverly Attached Arachnid It would never leave you Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Overstuffed HotdogOverstuffed Hotdog Loaded for bear and ready for consumption Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Perfect PunchfacePerfect Punchface It has to learn to take as good as it gives Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Physician's PhysiognomyPhysician's Physiognomy Worn by wandering medics in times of dark epidemics Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Platinum PupPlatinum Pup Possibly the only friendly face you'll encounter in Neon City Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Porcine VisagePorcine Visage Something smells delicious Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Puzzling PuppetryPuzzling Puppetry Countless hearts cower before this creepy countenance Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Rage Run RampantRage Run Rampant The rubicund visage of a notorious bovine berserker Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Rims o' RosiesRims o' Rosies They don't fall down when you sneeze Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Roaming RodentRoaming Rodent There's cheese out there with your name on it Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Robo RagerRobo Rager It must have blown a fuse Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Rocking CollarRocking Collar Fashionable, and fends off vampires Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Rosy NoseyRosy Nosey It looks funny, but can light the way in a pinch Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Rubicund TenguRubicund Tengu Haunted by irate mountain spirits Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Rugged Good LooksRugged Good Looks That luscious beard looks ready to be braided Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Savage SimianSavage Simian About to throw down, or just throw things Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Savvy SavantSavvy Savant Wear it and feel more distinguished instantly Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Scouter LensScouter Lens Doubles as a crushable stress-relief device. Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Sebaceous SpectaclesSebaceous Spectacles Washing with mild soap might help some Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Shadow GuiseShadow Guise Stalk the twilight, stalk the dawn Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Shadow MiteShadow Mite Creatures of shadow have no heart nor soul, only cold, cruel intent Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Shimmering SymbioteShimmering Symbiote A tiny cyberbeing that calls your face home Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Sleepy SquidfaceSleepy Squidface Sleeping with it on causes... interesting... dreams Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Snugly SnifferSnugly Sniffer An aura of comfort and cuteness surrounds this adorable snout Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Snugly SnoutSnugly Snout Wiggle it to gain a massive cuteness buff Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
So SoulfulSo Soulful Wear your heart on your face Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Spectrum SpecsSpectrum Specs See life in its true colors Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Splendid SurveyorSplendid Surveyor This outstanding occulus will classify your countenance Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Spooky BonehelmSpooky Bonehelm Some prefer to wear their skulls on the outside of their head Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Starry EyesStarry Eyes Filled with curiosity and wonder Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Stoic SpecsStoic Specs They withstand a beating without even flinching Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Stylish MustachioStylish Mustachio Trimming and pruning are part of a day's grooming Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Stylon MaskStylon Mask Instantly blend into any cybernetic civilization Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Sullen StonefaceSullen Stoneface A somber stone mask always up to task Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Superlative SmileSuperlative Smile All awesome, all the time Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Tentative SmileTentative Smile It looks scary, but is rather good-natured Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Testy TeashadesTesty Teashades Eclectic eyewear for rabble-rousers and revolutionaries Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Ticked-Off GrinTicked-Off Grin It's not a happy smile. Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Tri-Optics EnhancerTri-Optics Enhancer Be the envy of all other night stalkers Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Tricksy Tiki MaskTricksy Tiki Mask Its appearance shifts subtly as gazes linger upon it Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Ursus ModeUrsus Mode Cute and cuddly, or ravening grizzly? Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Valiant VigilanceValiant Vigilance The night is full of terrors, but heroes will always brave the dark Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Vectr-OS VisorVectr-OS Visor Simplifies navigating life's curveballs Randomly unlocked through Mask Vault Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
File:Corgi Mask.pngCorgi Mask Omg so cuuuuuuute~
File:Cybernetic Faceplate.pngCybernetic Faceplate
File:Developer Goggles.pngDeveloper Goggles
Extra Life
Item Description Obtained
File:Blossoming Bosslady.pngBlossoming Bosslady Some women are born to lead, and some grow into the role naturally
File:Bubbly Bliss.pngBubbly Bliss If a smile doesn't sway them, defeat them with kindness
File:Meowsy Mug.pngMeowsy Mug This minimalist facial accessory truly is the cat's meow
Stalker's SilenceStalker's Silence In silence hides premeditation Included in the Extra Life 2015‎‎ pack.
File:Symbolic Sanctuary.pngSymbolic Sanctuary All life is sacred, originating in the Sun Goddess, and to the preservation of others' I pledge mine
File:Tomboy Toughie.pngTomboy Toughie Be your true self and your true friends will become apparent
Item Description Obtained
File:Cheerful Chick.pngCheerful Chick So happy to be alive! Randomly unlocked through Spring Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
File:Compound Countenance.pngCompound Countenance Very literally a different point of view Randomly unlocked through Spring Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
File:Floral Face.pngFloral Face Always put your best side forward Randomly unlocked through Spring Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
File:Forest Flitterer.pngForest Flitterer So beautiful it can be worn as an accessory Randomly unlocked through Spring Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
File:Pink Peepers.pngPink Peepers Not quite rose-tinted glasses, but they have a similar effect Randomly unlocked through Spring Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
File:Spring Circlet.pngSpring Circlet A precious crown adorned with spring flowers Randomly unlocked through Spring Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
File:Sungaze Face.pngSungaze Face Protects your face from sunlight, but not your eyes. Wear shades! Randomly unlocked through Spring Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
File:Gourd Goggles.pngGourd Goggles Firm and freshen up your face with a couple of cool slices Randomly unlocked through Summer Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
File:Rainbow Visor.pngRainbow Visor Acceptable face attire for summer festivities Randomly unlocked through Summer Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
File:Sun Visor.pngSun Visor Keeps you shaded and unjaded Randomly unlocked through Summer Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
File:Fall Flapper.pngFall Flapper As the nights grow longer, dusk predators of the forest thrive and multiply Randomly unlocked through Autumn Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
File:Guise of the Hunted.pngGuise of the Hunted These days, it just seems like everyone is out to get you... Randomly unlocked through Autumn Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
File:Restless Nutter.pngRestless Nutter As the cold encroaches, the hunt for winter reserves intensifies Randomly unlocked through Autumn Style Stashes/Super Style Stashes
Item Description Obtained
File:Hide Face.pngHide Face Hide your face equipment