Trove Wiki
Shadow Key Fragment

Shadow Key Fragment

Category Fragment
Type Shadow Tower
Tradeable This item can't be traded.
Item ID
Model ID
Crafting Material. Found by completing dungeons in Fae Forest (Uber-1) or higher Prime Worlds.
Use to craft a Shadow Key at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench.
Shadow Keys are used at the end of Normal Shadow Tower floors to open a vault for massive amounts of loot.
— Item Tooltip

Shadow Key Fragments are obtainable in most Uber adventure worlds (with the exception of Uber 6 and up adventure worlds). Fragments drop after defeating One Starred Bosses in Lairs and Dungeons in Uber Worlds.

Players receive more fragments per boss defeated in higher Uber Worlds, while Uber-6 worlds drop Moon Key Fragments instead.

Drops numbers are stated below (doubled for patron users) :


Used to Craft

Shadow Keys can be crafted at an Adventurer's Crafting Bench, requiring 50 fragments.

Crafting Station
Adventurer's Crafting BenchAdventurer's Crafting Bench
Ingredient(s) Amount
Shadow Key Fragment Shadow Key Fragment 50
Shadow Key Fragment Shadow Key 1